Catch Robin Banks Live in Action at One of His Upcoming Events in Johannesburg
Going through a personal struggle at the moment? Looking for love in all the wrong places? Stuck and unable to reach your goals, or have you lost your motivation to get up in the morning? As humans, we all want the same things in life. We all want to be happy. We all want to find love, and we all want to get up in the morning to a job that makes us smile. But life is hard, and it’s not easy achieving all of the above, especially if we don’t believe in ourselves.
You Can’t Live a Positive Life with a Negative Mind
Yes, we need to believe in ourselves. After all, if you don’t believe in yourself, what makes you think others are going to believe in you? The truth is that you can’t live a positive life with a negative mind. But you can change all of this and achieve whatever you want to achieve, and be whoever you want to be. All it takes is a little trust, love and commitment – starting with you and your thoughts.
Everything Starts with a Thought
Not many people know this, but by consciously creating your thoughts, you create your reality. A super powerful force of energy far greater than what you’ve been led to believe, your thoughts can determine, heal and change your life. However, in order to create a happy, healthy and successful reality, you must learn to control the nature of your dominant thoughts. That’s right, your mind is the key to transforming any aspect of your life and Robin Banks has the power to show you.
A personal mastery expert and one of the world’s leading authorities on the subject of Mind Power and Self Mastery – Robin Banks is renowned for developing winners and leaders for today and tomorrow. A gifted teacher, presenter, educational trainer, and also one of the most highly sought-after international motivational speakers – Robin Banks has inspired more than 1 million people globally through his mind power talks, workshops, presentations and courses. If you’d like to catch one of Robin Banks upcoming events in Johannesburg, then here they are:
- Thursday 18 August, 18:30-22:00 – Bytes Conference Centre, Midrand
- Saturday 20 August, 09:00-12:30 – Vodacom World, Midrand
- Monday 22 August, 18:30-22:00 – Hilton Hotel, Sandton
- Tuesday 23 August, 18:30-22:00 – Bytes Conference Centre, Midrand
Your mind is your greatest power and if anyone can show you how to use it, it’s Robin Banks. Join us at one of our upcoming events in Johannesburg and learn to master your mind and get the body you desire, learn to manifest wealth and abundance, and learn how to attract awesome relationships.